Our Team

Who will I be working with?

Tom Kroening


Tom Kroening is one of the founders of KFM. While handing over many of the company's responsibilities to his sons, Tom remains active and involved in the company and has great pride in team at KFM and relathionships that have been built over the years.

John Kroening


John Kroening takes on the responsiblities of everything pertaining to trucking and our warehouse. He oversees all operations within the logistical side of the process, often working directly with our customers and manufacturers. John has been with the company since he was in high school and has greatly impacted how far the company has come since it was first created.

Jeff Kroening


Jeff Kroening oversees all financial aspects of KFM. He also oversees all operations within the office with regards to staff processing orders and communicating with customers and manufacturers during this process. He enjoys the relationship built over the years between our customers, sales team and manufacturers. 

Bill Eckert

VP Sales

Bill Eckert has been with KFM for over 25 years and has built close relationships with customers and manufacturers throughout our area. Bill has a great pulse for what is happening in our market and works hard with other team members to build succesful relationships and drive sales.

Office Staff

Hannah Roth

Hannah has been with the company for about a couple of years now. She is often the person you will meet and speak to initially upon contacting us. Hannah is an all around positive and welcoming addition to the team.

Jeanine Weber

Jeanine joined our team shortly after Hannah and is the main form of contact with the customers, sales team, and manufacturers within KFM. Jeanine works closely with our entire staff to ensure that the brokerage process is as seamless as possible. She is a diligent and hardworking member of our team.

KFM, PO Box #165 North Lake, WI 53064 , (262) 966-3655
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